Product list

Partial Discharge RF/EMI Shielded Room

A partial discharge RF/EMI shielded room is a specialized room designed to shield against electromagnetic interference(EMI)caused by partial discharges.Partial discharges are small electrical discharges that occur within insulation materials,such as those used...

RF/EMI Shielded Rooms for High-Voltage Testing

RF/EMI shielded rooms for high-voltage testing are specially designed enclosures that provide a shielded environment to test and measure electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic devices and systems under high-vol...

High Voltage Shielded Test Room

A high voltage shielded test room is a specially designed and constructed room that is used for testing high voltage electrical equipment and components.The room is constructed with special shielding materials to contain and protect against the high voltage el...

RF/EMI/EMC Shielded Chamber

RF/EMI/EMC Shielded Chamber is a specially designed enclosure that provides a shielded environment to test and measure electromagnetic interference(EMI)and electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)of electronic devices and systems.The chamber is constructed with cond...