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What are the functional characteristics of an impulse voltage generator

27 Apr 2024
  The impulse voltage generator is mainly used for conducting impulse voltage tests on power equipment and other test objects,including full wave,cut wave,operating impulse voltage,and steep wave lightning impulse voltage,to test insulation performance.

  The 1200kV,2400kV,and 4800kV series impulse voltage generators can generate three types of impulse voltage waveforms:standard lightning full wave,operating wave,and lightning cut wave.

  The 1200kV series impulse voltage generators can generate eight types of impulse voltage waveforms:standard lightning wave,operating wave,lightning cut wave,oscillating lightning wave,oscillating operating wave,line insulator steep wave,composite insulator steep wave,and transformer induced operating wave.

  The technical indicators comply with the provisions of national standards and IEC standards.It has passed the ministerial level appraisal and its main technical performance is in a leading position in China.Reaching the advanced level of similar international products.The impulse voltage test system can emit pulse waveforms of various shapes,but according to the requirements of experimental research and relevant international and national standards,the characteristics are:

  1.The complete set of equipment is complete and the voltage level is complete;

  2.The circuit inductance of the impulse voltage generator is small,and a bandgap filtering measure is adopted.It can still generate a standard impulse voltage waveform under large capacitive loads,with a large load capacity.It is the first in China and has been applied in research institutes and enterprise units;

  3.The voltage utilization coefficient is high.The lightning wave and operation wave are not less than 90%and 80%,respectively;

  4.The impact body has a compact structure,beautiful appearance,convenient wave adjustment,single operating cylinder,good synchronization performance,and reliable action;

  5.Adopting thyristor or LC constant current charging automatic control technology,with high degree of automation and strong anti-interference ability;

  6.The cutoff delay adopts electronic delay adjustable circuit or L-C delay method;